Wildland Weekly- 3/6/22
Sunday Blues
Last Sunday was a bad day for me.
Went to go film content for TikTok and was overcome by fear and I didn't do it. I ask random people what makes them feel alive and it's scary to ask random people to answer questions on camera. Then I was selling at the farmers market and a lot of people had very "whatever" reactions to the coffee. Also, February was a bad month of sales. It felt like nothing was going right.
Every entrepreneur has gone through this and worse but it was still a deflating day. That said, instead of feeling sorry for myself, I decided to give myself empathy and accept that not every day is going to be a 10/10.
The universe was just testing my desire and perseverance. I'm back to the farmers market today :)
Asking For Help
My upbringing was pretty chaotic. Divorced parents who realllllly didn't like each other and they let me know about it. Often times, I had to figure stuff out on my own. In many ways that has helped me become an entrepreneur because I don't wait for people to do things for me but it also hurts me when I try to do everything myself even if I'm not best suited for the task.
One area I've been struggling with is financial forecasting and modeling. Basically, what revenue and margin metrics do I need to achieve to become profitable. I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm not great at this but the facts are the facts. I finally confronted this embarrassment and asked one of my good friends who has been a CFO if he could help me come up with this. Of course, he said yes.
Felt good to get that monkey off my back.
When It Hits, It Hits
One of my big focuses for 2022 is selling Wildland to outdoor adventures guides. Think anyone who does rafting, fishing, backpacking, etc. trips. Many of these outfitters provide coffee to their guests and at the same time they're not satisfied with french presses or instant coffee. This is where Wildland comes in.
This is the first line of the email I send to these companies and this was a response I got on Friday. It feels great to nail the use case and messaging where someone would respond with this level of enthusiasm.

Hope y'all have a great Sunday!